Ah. All is right with the world.
Anyhow, my Aunt and Uncle came to Australia on Wednesday to hopefully collect their visas. They're staying at our house at the moment, which has actually turned out to be quite interesting ;) (I often emerge from my room and notice that suddenly parts of the house seem a lot cleaner xD) Everyone knows that studies in China are krazeh, and in a country with that many people, getting into university is one step closer to job security and a happy lifestyle. They have university final exams that go for a whole three days that basically determines the rest of their lives. So you can imagine, everyone gets pretty stressed out.
Once they heard that I was doing my HSC, they shoo'd me away from doing anything. It was basically, 'Go study! Go study! GOOOOO study!' Which was kinda nice at first, cause they'd bring me fruit and water and do all the chores. But then, I realised I didn't want to study, and so I was basically confined to my room. Damn.
But teehee, I snuck out into the Kitchen at 11pm and stealthily prepared ingredients to make . . . (dun dun dun) KOREAN SEAFOOD PANCAKE!
Korean Seafood Pancake
Korean Package Flour Mix (The yellow thing in the picture it tells you how much water to add on the back, but in Korean :P )
250g Pancake Mix
420 ml Water
Seafood: 2 prawns and 2 octopi (clearly, I didn't have a lot of supplies)
Your Choice of Vegetables:
Shallots/Spring Onions
1. Mix the flour and water until combined.
2. Stir the other ingredients in.
3. Add oil into a griddle/pan and fry each side on medium heat for a minute or so
4. Serve with YUPPIE mayonnaise, and Okonomiyaki sauce (optional, but makes it ohsoyummy)
:) Can you spot the sideways smiley? (still doesn't know how to rotate pictures D: sigh.)
TADA!!! Pancake :)